< Work
15 July 2019 at 19:03
On one hand, I like to go on relaxing vacations to restore my mind and body from the chaos of my daily life.
On the other, vacations often turn out way more stressful than I expected due to over-tourism and annoying crowds who often damage local communities.
Lonely Planet, the travel guide pioneer, will partner with booking and transportation agencies to introduce the Lonely Forecast app.
It’s like a weather report, but for tourists!
The Lonely Forecast will let you know in advance how crowded and overbooked a certain location is.

My role: Concept, copy, script.
Credits: Changkyu Ku (AD), Paris Nikiforakis (CW).
Mentors: Marlon von Franquemont // CD 180 Global Amsterdam.
Chen Yaari // Sr. Creative Dojo Berlin.